Stick Heroes - August 2011

2011.08.31. 11:55 bravojuggling



The playing of the Chilean Rodrigo Huenchupan Contreras is precise and dynamic with many under-the-leg, behind-the-back tricks and pirouettes.

Name: Rodrigo Huenchupan Contreras
Age: 21
Nationality: Chile
Place of living: Temuco

How many years have you been juggling with devilsticks? 3 years

Number of devilsticks you have: 5

Why did you choose this juggling tool and where did you first meet with it?
The first time I met the devilstick was in my childhood, on a family trip when I was 7 years old. It grabed my attention heavily but do not know its name or how to use it, many years passed when I found it again by chance in the supermarket where I worked. A friend in her snack time went out to a place which was near to the store to practice, out of curiosity I asked her how it was played, I found it very difficult to learn but over more and more time I was obsessed with the game.

Where did you learn playing with devilsticks?
Here in Temuco are no spaces dedicated to circus arts with the exception of some workshops which are not very accessible so I learned it in public places. With other jugglers we look for corners of the city to get together to practice that we've learned and share the knowledge, but as the devilstick is not a very popular juggling tool I learned much by watching the Internet and inventing.
I learned first and foremost watching others than I spent hours by practicing in my living room breaking bulbs and vases.

What are you practicing at the moments?
Well now I've been practicing too much, and been very focused on seeking new ideas, combinations, mixing body tricks, making the game pretty neat and fluid. I've also been researching various types of juggling, several different games to have a more open and broad mind when wanting to play and invent.

What is the most difficult trick that you would like to learn?
I think all the tricks are difficult at first with one or two devilsticks.

In what style do you play and what other styles do you like?
I like playing with continuous and fluid movements to make the illusion that all the tricks are connected. I also like the quick game. I love the game of Paul Rozaire.

Do you play with firestick as well?
Yes but I do not like it very much because I think the game is limited with it and I use it only for events, galas, etc.

What do you do on a normal day, how many hours do you practice?
On a normal day I practice approximately 2 to 3 hours daily, sometimes more.

Can you imagine not juggle devilsticks any more?
Perhaps for some reason I must leave aside juggling a little, but juggling is always going to be a part of my life.

What do you advice to beginner/advanced devilstick players?
The devilstick is complicated and you have to be persistent, practice, always strive for perfection with every trick and find out a lot, record yourself or look in a mirror to correct yourself.

What kind of devilsticks do you prefer to use?
In my country we usually use cone-shaped devilsticks.

How is juggling life in Chile? Are devilsticks popular?
The devilstick becomes more and more popular, although the community is still small but the trends are good here in Chile.

How do you imagine yourself being old? Will you still juggle?
When I get older I would love to continue this beautiful discipline by advancing ideas, learning new things. I may have to leave it a little sideways but the devilstick will always be a part of me because it is more than a hobby, something that made me think I can do things well while it is the best for me.



Bravo Juggling presents: Stick Heroes
July 2011 - Simon Oganisyan ▶
June 2011 - Tomás Di Tomaso ▶
May 2011 - Nikki Snijders ▶
April 2011 - Markus Furtner ▶
March 2011 - Adam Dipert ▶
February 2011 - Paul Rozaire - Polostick ▶
January 2011 - Alì Akbar Rahati Nover - Ghost ▶

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