Fabien Forestier est un maître de l'équilibrage.
Nom : Fabien Forestier Age : 35 Ville : Nantes (France) Travail/études: artiste de cirque Des résultats importants: prix, représentation etc. (des choses dont tu es fier) Je n'ai jamais…
Fabien Forestier is a master of balancing.
Name: Fabien Forestier Age: 35 Nationality: French Place you are living: Nantes Your juggling achievements (prize / performance / trick that you are proud of / etc.): I've never…
Kawika KeAlii Lee has given contact tricks heavy attention as it is proven in his video as well.
Name: Kawika KeAlii Lee Age: 31 Nationality: Hawaiian/American Place you are living: Alaska How many years have you been juggling with devilsticks? 16…
Will Young always amazes us with his handstick releases and manipulation. It's time to watch his video again!
Name: Will Young Age: 31 Nationality: United States Place you are living: Plumtree, NC Your job: I went to college at Appalachian State…
Will Young mindig ámulatba ejt minket a terelő elengedéses és ütögetős trükkjeivel. Itt az ideje, hogy a videóját újra megnézzük!
Név: Will Young Életkor: 31 Nemzetiség: amerikai Lakhely: Plumtree, NC Állás: Az appalachiai…
Name: Lluis Gomez Lopez “LUCO” Age: 32 Nationality: Spanish Place you are living: Cornellà de Llobregat Your job: Circus Artist How many years have you been juggling with devilsticks?The first time I juggled was fifteen…
Név: Lluis Gomez Lopez “LUCO” Életkor: 32Nemzetiség: spanyol Lakhely: Cornellà de Llobregat Foglalkozás: cirkuszművész Hány éve ördögbotozol? 15 éve játszottam először, de csak 4 éve…
Rafael Kirashov participated in the "Ukrain's got talent", the talent contest of the Ukrainian television with his outstanding devilstick performance. Uniquely, he can spin the devilstick with his mouth, and even while he can keep two more…
Rafael Kirashov bekerült a "Ukrain's got talent", az ukrán televíziós tehetségkutató versenybe a kiemelkedő ördögbotos műsorával. Egyedülálló módon képes a szájával is ördögbotot pörgetni, mi több, még közben…
Lund thinks of himself as lazy if it's not about juggling however in this area he develops his skills without stopping. He has been constantly seeking new devilstick tricks and combinations for more than 10 years.
Name: Lukas Emanuel Reichenbach Age: 21…
Stixguru owing to his trick videos may be one of the best known devilstick player. We also watched in amazement and disbelief, and then tried to learn his movements at the beginning of our acquaintance with devilsticks. Although since then we have learnt many…
Yuho Fukuzawa enriched with his creative ideas the range of one- and double-stick tricks, he's an excellent player of double-stick shower. This frog-costume video is our favourite.
Name: Yuho Fukuzawa Age: 20 Nationality: Japanese Place you are living:…
Devil Stix Dave loves fire performance and the flow arts with all heart and soul. He says that his mission is to spread joy around the world through fire performance, object manipulation& the flow arts.
Name: Devil Stix Dave Hirshman Age: 29 Nationality:…
Alestix likes experimenting new tricks with one, two or even three devilsticks.
Name: Alessandro Budroni Age: 21 Nationality: Italian Place you are living: Cagliari Your job/school: student in maths How many years have you been juggling with devilsticks: six…
The Japanese Itaken plays two devilsticks with confidence. For his tricks of 3 devilsticks he uses the head or a leg too for juggling.
Name: Itaken Age: 25 Nationality: Japanese Place of living: Niigata Prefecture Job: office worker Number of devilsticks…
A japán Itaken magabiztosan játszik 2 ördögbottal. Hárombotos trükkjeinél pedig a fejét vagy a lábát is használja zsonglőrködésre.
Név: Itaken Életkor: 25 Nemzetiség: japán Lakhely: Niigata Prefecture Foglalkozás: irodai alkalmazott Hány…
Bálint Turai first met to devilsticks almost a decade ago and altough recently he just plays in his free time but this tool introduced him the world of juggling which become his profession. With his team, Almost Trio, he performed at many festivals and circuses -…
Turai Bálint közel egy évtizede talált rá az ördögbotra és bár az utóbbi időben már csak hobbiból játszik, de ez az eszköz bevezette a zsonglőrködés világába, ami a szakmájává is vált. Almost Trio nevű csapatukkal felléptek már számos…
The playing of the Chilean Rodrigo Huenchupan Contreras is precise and dynamic with many under-the-leg, behind-the-back tricks and pirouettes.
Name: Rodrigo Huenchupan Contreras Age: 21 Nationality: Chile Place of living: Temuco How many years…
El juego del chileno Rodrigo Contreras Huenchupan es preciso y dinámico con muchos debajo-de-la-pierna, detrás-de-la-espalda trucos y piruetas.
Nombre: Rodrigo Huenchupan Contreras Edad: 21 Nacionalidad: Chile Lugar de residencia: Temuco…
A chilei Rodrigo Huenchupan Contreras játéka pontos és dinamikus sok láb alatti, hát mögötti trükkel és piruettel fűszerezve.
Név: Rodrigo Huenchupan Contreras Életkor: 21 Nemzetiség: Chile Lakhely: Temuco Mióta ördögbotozol? 3…
Name: Simon Oganisyan - Mr. Simon Age: 23 Nationality: Armenian Place of living: Moscow, Russia Your job/school: I graduated in the Lipetski Teacher Training College and in the National Institute of Circus Arts. I am currently working in England under…
Имя: Симон Оганисян - Mr. Simon Возрост: 23 лет Национальность: армянин Место проживание: Москва, Россия Оразование: Я закончил Липецкий…
Név: Simon Oganisyan - Mr. Simon Életkor: 23 év Nemzetiség: örmény Lakhely: Moszkva, Oroszország Iskola/munkahely: A Lipetski Tanárképző Főiskolán és az Állami Cirkusz- és Artistaképző Intézetben szereztem diplomát. Jelenleg…
Tomás Di Tomaso astonished us by his many spectacular, dynamic-changing tricks based on grabing the devilstick. You can learn from him what the cardinal enemies of the juggler are, and that why it is good if you have a tangerine on the stage.
Name: Tomás Di Tomaso…